This morning I drove up to Marshalltown to attend the Easter Observance of St. Aldemar's Commandery #30 Knights Templar. This was my second year of attending this observance and I must say it is always enjoy. I have dual membership with the Marshalltown York Rite Bodies, so I must say I always feel right at home.
It was so nice to see a full contingent of officers in their uniforms and chapeaus. We had a nice crowd of sideliners, around 30. Sir Knight David Dryer was the Prelate and read a very nice Easter message. Collene Benge was at the organ and played "Onward Christian Soldiers" as we entered the asylum.
After the formal observance in the asylum, we adjourned to the dining room and enjoyed a delicous breakfast of pancakes, sausage, and eggs. All the donations went to the Knights Templar Eye Foundation. This was a nice way to start the day and the Easter weekend.
Easter is a beautiful time of the year as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and also the return of spring.
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