Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Gold Cards

Today I mailed the "gold cards" for my lodge. The "gold card" Masonically speaking is not what you might think. In Iowa anyhow, it is a dues receipt that we send annually to our 50 year brothers marked "paid in full". The "gold" comes from the color of the paper the receipt is printed on.

The first time that I ever heard of a "gold card" was about 5 years ago. Bro. Pete Paschal, PGM left a note on my desk at the lodge and inquired about his gold card. Okay I thought I know what a gold card is, but why is Pete wanting a credit card from the Secretary of his Masonic lodge. I also fondly think of that this time of the year when I'm getting ready to send this receipts out. After a little research, I found out that in Iowa, 50 year members get a special dues receipt each year acknowledging that they are a 50 year member.

When I receive these from the Grand Lodge Office and prepare them to be sent out, I always think of the committment that these brothers have made to Masonry by belonging to a Masonic lodge for 50+ years. Some of them have been active in a variety of capacities, including serving as Worshipful Master. Some have probably never spent much time back in the lodge after the night they raised, but nevertheless these brothers apparently still were proud to be Masons as evidenced by paying dues for 50 years. A remarkable committment indeed. Hopefully these brothers who were not active, still remembered their Masonic teachings and practiced them in their daily lives.

A 50 year committment to Freemasonry, something that each of us can learn from and strive to emulate.

1 comment:

jaycoles@gmail.com said...

You are more efficient than I. I still need to process mine. It is a big job but the members appreciate it.